
Posts Tagged ‘oops’

Im In France so please talk to me in French!!

April 23, 2011 3 comments

Ok so lately this has really been getting to me and i really cannot understand why the French persist on doing it. Anytime a French person hears me or my mates speaking French they automatically speak to us in English jus because we are anglophone, even if their english is terrible!

Yesterday for example me and two friends were lying in the sun when we were approached by a man looking for a lighter. The French for lighter is feu which literally means flame. However if you are learning a language you well know that some words have different meanings in other languages. Well this made me laugh. Just because we were speaking english , he came over and asked us if we could lend him a “fire”.  Naturally a laughed and replied “Desole je ne fume pas” which means sorry I don’t smoke. I just don’t get why he couldn’t just ask us in French! Once our accents are heard or even when people hear us speaking english they just presume that we are incapable of speaking French which annoys me as we have been living here since last september!

I know this might seem silly but its something that really gets to me. If a French person was in Ireland and they approached me, i wouldn’t answer them in French. I would respect the fact that they are in Ireland where we speak english and that they probably want to practice their english. Also personally if I were to reply in French I think that in a way that is going offend them. It’s basically like me saying “your english is terrible so we our going to talk in French” which may not be the case at all at all. Anyone out there have the same problem or ever had the same problem?

Ok rant over 😛

Happy easter folks!!
